Saturday, January 10, 2009


Just having a moment while I sit here at the computer, feeling my little sweet pea move around, realizing how incredibly blessed I am to have this precious gift from God. I am so thankful for this miracle growing inside me, although it is so hard for me to truly fathom the reality that there really is a living human being in there. Experiencing this makes me wonder, how do people who experience this same thing not believe in a Creator? The creation of a new life is truly a miracle, how can this come about any other way than what the psalmist says,
"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them." Psalm 139:14-16
I am so thankful that I know the Creator of life, so thankful that I can put my trust and hope in Him. I am often overwhelmed by emotions, it is incredible to me the emotional attatchment of a mother to her child, I remember being surprised by that when I had the miscarriage, and as I sit here now I am acutely aware of it. My feelings for my boy are so strong, yet I haven't even met him yet. I know that when he is brought into this world, I will experience a whole new side to it, and I know the love I have for him will be so strong that it will be so hard to battle the fear and anxiety for his health and well-being, and ultimately his soul. Yet I am comforted by God's Word, which describes how intimately God knows my boy, and says that his days are already formed, God already knows exactly what is going to happen with his life. I don't have to worry because it is in the hands of the Creator of the universe.
Thank you God for this blessing, please help me to honor you and trust you with each day of his life, whatever your plan for him may be.


  1. Your thoughts are indicative of godly mom's heart. . .
    When my son was put in my arms I was overwhelmed with a new perspective of God's love. . . I then had a new awareness of the depth of God's love for me, his child ~ very humbling. What a wonderful gift and experience you have been and will be blessed with. :) Love you!!

  2. I have become more and more encouraged with Psalm 139 in the past month or so...been tryin to commit it to memory. How awesome that the lives of our children who we bond with and love so quickly are in the hands of our Creator!

  3. Hi Shawna- it's Lorren, Sue's friend. I have been reading your blog and I just had to comment on this post! There really is nothing like becoming a mother to make you stand back in awe of our Creator! I wonder that same thing all the time- how can anyone feel a baby move inside of them and believe it happened by chance? And after giving birth- how can anyone who has experienced birth believe abortion is ok (not to mention partial birth abortion!). And then to look at my now 9 month old and see how she has grown from a helpless newborn to a crawling, climbing, hilarious little person with a sense of humor and her own will- amazing! Sorry for my rambling- just one thankful, adoring mommy to another. I'm praying for your sweet baby boy already (though you hardly know me!)

  4. Thanks Lorren! I cherish each prayer for him!
