Friday, March 6, 2009

The worst pain of my life...

Okay so it probably wasn't the worst pain of my life, but definitely the worst of the pregnancy so far. I woke up this morning after sleeping in my chair all night (my mom and dad-in law were so very gracious to lend me one of their special back-saving chairs to put in our bedroom for me to sleep in if need be) and moved to the bed to get a little more comfortable because while sleeping in a chair is the best thing when food is constantly coming up my throat, it's not always so great on my neck and the rest of my body when I wake up the next anyways as soon as I laid down in bed and turned over I got a really sharp, burning pain on my right side, the same area that has been sore because of that sweet little boy inside of me. I immediately tried changing position but it just kept getting worse, so I stumbled out to the living room to be next to Mark in case I ended up collapsing and dying or something like that. The pain just would not go away, it was extremely intense and for some odd reason the only thing that I felt might make it better was putting an ice pack on the area, I think because of the burning sensation. However I did refrain from doing that because I figured it probably really wouldn't help. After about half an hour or so the pain finally did get better, it still hurts now but not with the same intensity as before. I still really have no idea what it was or what caused it...I called the nurse this morning in desperation to find something I could do to make it better or at least to be reassured that it wouldn't last forever and it wasn't anything to be concerned about. When she called me back it had already gotten better, and she said she honestly didn't know exactly what would have caused that, she said it was probably either because I slept wrong or maybe because I am bruised from the baby, but that as long as it did get better that it should be fine. She said to call back if it happens again, and especially if I have trouble breathing or anything like that. I didn't have any trouble breathing while I was in pain, but I did feel like I could throw up...that was probably just a result of the pain though. I am just praying that it doesn't happen again, and that I am still able to enjoy my massage today because it is too late to change the appointment. Hopefully I'll be able to find a comfortable position to be in.


  1. Ok I don't know if you meant for this to be funny or not, but it struck me as such: "I stumbled out to the living room to be next to Mark in case I ended up collapsing and dying or something like that" :)

    Sorry you're having such trouble sleeping. He will be here very soon!!

  2. Wow... if you find out what it was, I'd be really interested to know. That's crazy!
