I had my last dr appt today. Tomorrow is April 22nd, the day I've been repeating in my head and to others over and over again for the last nine (ten) months, and it is now finally here! I can't believe it! At my exam this time there was a slight change since last week, I dilated a "fingertip" since then; how much that is I'm really not too sure. The dr. said my cervix was still pretty far back, but I was just excited to hear that at least something had happened in the last week. She asked what I wanted to do, whether I wanted to go ahead and be induced or wait longer. After discussing the options, I decided I definitely wanted to wait through the weekend to see if I go into labor on my own, because it's usually a lil easier, and she said it would probably be a long inducement if we did it now because of the way my cervix is. We did set up a day for me to go to the hospital if it doesn't happen on its own though, I'll go in this next Monday night, and be induced Tuesday morning (the 28th). That means that I'll be holding lil Emmory in one week from today at the longest!!! I'm not excited about being induced and I really hope that I go into labor before then, but I definitely don't want to wait any longer than 41 weeks, and the doctors don't want me to either. If I do go into labor before then I'll try and have my mom put up an update on my blog so that at least everyone will know that it happened. We've been having a great time together going shopping and eating lunch out, just enjoying the time before everything gets crazy and we can't do those things anymore (for a while anyways). So I'm so thankful that Emmory has been stubborn up to this point, but now I hope he decides to show up on his own, before he is forced out!
Same thing happened to me and he decided to come the moring of the day he's was scheduled to be induced. I was supposed to go in that night (like you) and my water broke that morning...exactly one week late, I blame it on his latin blood..always being late. Anyway, I hope the same is true for you! Can't wait to hear an update!...and see pictures.