Monday, February 1, 2010

Nap protests

Emmory is going through a really tough time right now....well tough for me probably not so tough for him! He has always been a good sleeper, he learned to fall asleep on his own at an early age, so naptime has always been easy, I lay him down and he falls asleep. Well, now that he knows how to stand up in his crib, that is all he wants to do at naptime. He just stands up and cries and cries. You would think he would get tired of this after a while, but there is no wearing him down, apparently our child is extremely stubborn. I've tried leaving him in there without going to him at all, and I've tried going in, laying him down, and immediately leaving; neither of which have worked so far. When I rock him before his naps, all he wants to do is play, he doesn't act tired at all, although he does yawn quite a bit. It's just amazing how things can change so fast, he is really growing up fast lately and having so many developmental changes. Honestly sometimes I wonder if he will ever nap again...most people told me this only lasted a few days with their child when they learned to stand up in their crib, I think we are on at least on day 4 with Emmory. We shall see how he is doing by the end of the week.


  1. I'm sorry you and E are having such a hard time time the naps. Hopefully he'll catch on soon! Have you tried putting something in his crib he might be interested in and to distract him from standing? ie, toy, animal, kids all had a "lovey" that helped you relax at nap/bedtime. Love, Mom/Nama

  2. I never in my wildest imagination thought you would have a stubborn child :) - Dad/Papa
