Wednesday, January 27, 2010

9 months and so many changes

Once again, I haven't blogged in a while. I just feel like I have less and less time for it, there are so many other things I need to do whenever I have any free time. And Emmory requires much more attention now then before, because he is now crawling and can get anywhere that he wants to. That is one of the big changes that's happened somewhat recently. He has always been a "mover" even when he couldn't actually move himself, so now that he can move himself he is everywhere! It is so much fun to watch him though, he loves to explore. Another recent change is he is now pulling himself up in his crib, and he can sit up all on his own from a lying down position. He is a strong little boy and I'm sure it won't be long before he is walking. Another change we've experienced is he is pretty much no longer nursing. I'm really not sure what happened, I don't know if it was a supply issue and I just couldn't keep up with his growing body (He's 21 lbs 10 ozs!) or if he was just no longer interested in nursing, but he just kept dropping one feeding after another refusing to nurse so I had to give him a bottle, and now I'm only nursing him once first thing in the morning. I am thankful that I can still do that at this point though. It was very sad to basically wean him, it's our first huge milestone of him growing up and becoming a little boy, but I know that it is okay. I'm making his baby food and he is getting great nutrition out of that, and he loves it! He has recently started eating oatmeal, brown rice, and yogurt. He loves the yogurt and oatmeal, and is still getting used to the brown rice, but he eats it. We went to his 9 month well checkup today, and found out he has an ear infection. He hadn't been acting like himself the last couple days, and was really fussing for his naps and just restless and discontent which is not like him. I had a feeling there was something wrong with him, but I figured it was his teeth or something, not an ear infection. So he is taking antibiotics and hopefully that will clear it up soon so he doesn't have to be in too much pain. Even with his ear infection, Dr. Song said at his appt that he is the happiest boy, so he is still doing pretty good, it really just affects him when it's time to sleep. He cried five different times last night between 8 and 10 pm, but it was only for a few minutes each time and he went back to sleep on his own, and then he was quiet all night until he woke up at 8. Hopefully he'll do okay tonight.
I haven't gotten around to putting up pics of our time in Seattle during Christmas, but here are a few recent pics since we've been back. The pics are actually out of order, but oh well...

Look what I found mama!
I love to take my socks off and eat them

This is right after he fell backwards while he was standing up in his crib, he bumped his head on the side of the crib

Look at what I can do!

Look what I did Mom, is this okay?

This is what I saw when I opened his door after he woke up from his nap

This was taken the very first day he stood up...unfortunately I didn't think to get the camera until he had already fallen down